What Are Dry Herb Vaporizers?
Dry herb vaporizers are different from E-liquid vapes. They’re optimized to vaporize raw hemp or marijuana flower instead of CBD concentrates or vape oils.
These devices feature a heating element and chamber to hold the dried hemp flower. They heat the chamber to vaporize the active cannabinoids, terpenes, and other volatile compounds in hemp without burning it.
Hemp flower combusts at temperatures at around 451ºF (233ºC). A vaporizer heats the flower at temperatures well below this to avoid burning the flower. Most vapes can be set to run at temperatures between 355 ºF (180ºC) and 420ºF (220ºC).
The combustion process creates various toxic and carcinogenic compounds like carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, sulfur dioxide, and hydrocarbons. These are the elements that make smoking so harmful to our health.
By vaping your hemp flower instead of smoking it, you can get all the same benefits from using the plant (relaxation, stress relief, pain reduction, etc.) without the nasty side effects of smoking.
The best dry herb vapes for hemp flowers feature variable temperature control, rechargeable battery, and high-quality materials.